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Task Center >1.3


Cube v1.3 has introduced the task center. Its responsiblities include

  • Batch Operations

such as Transfer SIM, send SMS, and edit notes in bulk

  • Large data export

such as SIM export, CDR export

that usually require some time to complete. Users can continue to use CUBE while the task is being processed in the task center.

Feature Set



Task center will present a list of rencent tasks (within 7 days), listed in descending order of creation time. Status shows whether that task is completed, processing or having issues. You could download the report from the link too.


By clicking on the task type, the task detail will be presented from the right.


  • Tasks will only be kept for 7 days.
  • Tasks are not to be managed. They can't be deleted.

Task Center Support

OperationsAccessStatusPage Link
SIM exportfrom 'SIM'supporteddetail
Transfer SIMfrom 'SIM'supported
CDR exportfrom 'CDRs'supported
Edit Tags and notesfrom 'SIM'developing
Upload IMEIfrom 'SIM'developing